/ 2022
T35-Photograms have been made on Foma Black and White photographic paper either by exposing directly pieces of fabrics or by typing words and signs in the dark room and exposing the result to the light. During the photographic process the image is only fixed and washed. No developer, no stop bath in order to stay true to the instant. A text of light with variations in time exposure that communicates the process experience. The result of the book is a combination of chemical experience and typewritten visual poetry.
30 × 40 cm - 2022
1: T35 01
2: T35 02
3: T35 03
4: T35 04
5: T35 05
6: T35 06
7: T35 07
8: T35 08
9: T35 09
10: T35 010
11: T35 011
12: T35 012
13: T35 013
14: T35 014
15: T35 015
16: T35 016
17: T35 017