
Raffaella della Olga was born in Bergamo, Italy, she lives in Paris.

Having for more than a decade chosen to turn analog and work most exclusively with modified typewriting machine, Raffaella della Olga has with this tool found a way to write and draw her own path to abstraction. What started as a concept (to be an « analog artist » in digital ages, to find freedom through mechanical gestures) has rapidly turn into an infinite exploration of the space of the page.

Expanding her domain of abstraction, she also works on geometrical pattern fabrics of great length on which she carves at regular intervals with a cutter. The fabrics are then presented folded once on themselves, hung on a neon tube, allowing Raffaella to infuse a layer of three-dimensionality in which the patterns cover themselves thus bypassing the flatness of their printed status.

In 2022, Raffaella della Olga began her entry into painting, her vertical adventure, with a series of works based on the same model of the grid, identified as a wall, typed on a monochrome background. From this series onward, a vast field of experimentation opened up, ranging from almost naked black-on-white graphics to textural and tinting effects that are truly painterly.


  • 1997: Law degree
  • 2003: Graduated at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano

Solo shows

  • 2022: Typed Paintings, Three Star Books, Paris
  • 2020: LINE UP, Three Star Books, Paris
  • 2019: Criss Cross, with Sébastien de Ganay, Silvia Steinek galerie, Wien
  • 2019: Pagi-Nazioni, Galerie Florence Loewy-Books, Paris
  • 2018: Dépliements, Galerie Dilecta, Paris
  • 2018: ALINEA, Galerie Laurent Godin, Paris
  • 2017: Stoffe, curator Caroline Hancock, Galerie Dilecta, Paris
  • 2011: MetaOdisseo, Treignac Projet – Sam Basu, Treignac (FR)
  • 2010: Un Coup de Dés jamais n’abolira le Hasard–Constellation, text Raimundas Malašauskas, N.O. Gallery Milano
  • 2007: D102D, text Franco Raggi, N.O. Gallery, Milano

Group Exhibitions

  • 2023: Souvenir Nouveau – Le Grand Café – Saint Nazaire (FR), curator Anne Bonnin
  • 2023: THE TASTE OF OTHERS by Three Star Books, CFAlive, Milano
  • 2023: OFFSET by Claude Closky, Le Centre Des Livres D’artistes Le CDLA
  • 2022: AOULIOULE, Curators Sylvie Fanchon and Camila Oliviers Fairclough, Musée régional d’art contemporaine Occitanie
  • 2021: Children of Compost, Curator Joana P.R.Neves, Frac Picardie and Drawing Lab Paris
  • 2021: Forsythia, Lilac and Geranium, with Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Elsa Werth and Mary Ellen Solt, Cabinet du Livre d’artistes, Rennes
  • 2020: Your Friends and Neighbors, High Art, Paris
  • 2019: ShipShape A parallel curating by Tomas Cunha Ferreira, Coimbra Biennial of Contemporary Art -Anozero’ 19, Coimbra
  • 2019: TOIO – The Other Is Oneself, Curator Fiona Liewehr, Wien
  • 2019: Street Art, a project by Camila Oliveira Fairclough and Elsa Werth, Paris
  • 2019: Aplats et Plages Colorés, curated by Aurélie Noury, Cabinet du Livre d’Artiste, Rennes
  • 2019: i_n_t_o_t_o, Kunstverein am Rosa -Luxemburg, Berlin
  • 2019: Poetic Boom Boom, an exhibition about Visual Poetry, curator Mattia Solari, Fondazione Imago Mundi, Treviso
  • 2018: Make it yourself, group exhibition, curator Yves Chatap and Pascale Obolo, Dakar
  • 2018: Synonymie ambiante, group show at Frac Paca Marseille, a project by Jérôme Mauche
  • 2017: The plates of the present, so far, curated by Thomas Fougeirol and Jo-ey Tang, Galerie Praz-Delavallade, Paris
  • 2015: Pliure [Prologue – La part du feu], Curator, Paulo Pires do Vales. Fondation Gulbenkian, Paris [More]
  • 2015: Aladdin Game Un Nouveau Festival/Air de jeu, Centre Georges Pompidou
  • 2015: Dust: the plates of the present, Curator Sonel Breslav, Baxeter St Camera Club of New York, New York
  • 2014: Black Coffee, Paris, organised by Camila Oliveira Fairclough
  • 2013: An exbition happening everywhere, at all times, with everyone, curator Mathieu Copeland, MoMA, New York
  • 2013: A Spoken Word Exhibition, Suite for Exhibition(s) and Publication(s), first movement. Satellite 6, Jeu de Paume, Paris. A proposal by Mathieu Copeland
  • 2013: Transmission, Galerie Karima Celestin, Marseille. A proposal by Caroline Hancock
  • 2013: The plates of the present, photogram projet organised by Thomas Fougeirol et Jo-ey-Tang
  • 2013: A world in a box (a bittersweet salon) , The Matchroom Social Club, Margate, Kent. Curator Peter Fillingham and Andy Barratt
  • 2013: Abstraction manifeste, Le Quartier Centre d’art contemporain, Quimper, curator, Keren Detton
  • 2012: Marrakech Press, Halles de Porrentruy – Suisse, curators Mathieu Copeland, Philippe Decrauzat
  • 2012: incipit, with Camila O. Fairclough, an invitation of C. Marcasciano, La Permanence, Clermont Ferrand
  • 2011: Le choix du texte est un faux problème, trame en 3 actes by Samon Takahashi, Cneai, Paris
  • 2010: Trasforming State, The WhyNotPlace, Connaught Place, New Delhi. Text by Paola Cabal
  • 2009: Art-O-Rama. A project with David Adamo and Davide Bertocchi. N.O. Gallery, La Belle de Mai, Marseille


  • 2014: 1 2 3 4 x 24 SLW permutations, Pavillon Vêndome, Center of Contemporary Art Clichy, curator Manuel Segade, On the Roof. (performance)
  • 2014: I care You care We all care for Icarus, OuUnPo (collective performance), European Night of the Museum, Gibellina – Sicily, in collaboration with Fondatione Orestiadi
  • 2013: Reading of “ Une Exposition à être lue, Volume 4 (1-2-1) Jeu de Paume, Paris
  • 2013: Fear-Hope Fear-Hope, « Godzilla and the Phoenix » OuUnPoJapan, Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo
  • 2013: The heaven inside the mountain, « Godzilla and the Phoenix » OuUnPoJapan, Zou-No-Hana,Yokohama
  • 2013: So What Do I Do With My Money ? MNAC Bucharest in collaboration with SambataSonora (performance) Curator Ruxandra Balaci
  • 2012: OuUnPo Beirut, curators Fatos Üstek and Sara Giannini. Text by Marco Pasi (reading/performance)
  • 2012: Recreative Temporary Orbit, OuUnPo Vision Forum, collectives performances in Porto
  • 2012: Réduire l’asymétrie du champ de bataille, with L. Cepeda, Inc Livros, Porto
  • 2012: Réduire l’asymétrie du champ de bataille #1, « incipit »with Camila Oliveira Fairclough. An invitation by Colombe Marcasciano, La Permanence, Clermont Ferrand
  • 2012: Down the Stairs Climb a Mountain. Sauf Lundi, Florence Diemer, Paris (reading/performance)
  • 2010: Impossible Speakers’ Corner – Lodhi Garden, New Delhi (performance)

Public and private collection

  • M+ Hong Kong
  • MET Museum, Thomas J. Watson Library – New York
  • Getty Research Institute, L.A (USA)
  • Beth Rubin DeWoody, L.A. (USA)
  • CCS Bard- Marieluise Hessel Collection of Contemporary Art (USA)
  • NY Public Library (USA)
  • Haas Arts Library of Yale (USA)
  • CNAP, Centre national des arts plastiques (France)
  • University of Applied Arts Vienna ( Austria)


  • 2020: gestes d’écriture, artpress dossier by Sally Bonn
  • 2019: Publication The Other is Oneself, by Salon Fur Kunst Buch Wien
  • 2019: Portfolio at Mouvement Magazine 07/2019
  • 2016: Contribution at La Revue Initiales 09 Pierre Klossowski
  • 2015: Pliure. Prologue ( la part du feu). Editions Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian – Délégation en France
  • 2015: Dust: The plates of the present, Editor Sonel Breslav, with essays and contributions by Robin Cameron, Thomas Fougeirol, Mara Hoberman, Flora Katz, Brett Littman, and Jo-ey Tang [More]
  • 2015: A Perimeter Issue 1: Welcome Charliemoon [More]
  • Nod Magazine (University of Calgary) Issue #17: Welcome Charliemoon
  • 2013: OuUnPo(RTO) Ouvroir dʼUnivers Potentiels Vol.9 – Book and Audio CD. Graphic Design Abâke
  • 2013: Une exposition à être lu/An exhibition to hear read – Volume 4 (1-2-1). Graphic Design Mathieu Copeland
  • 2010: The Transforming State, Religare arts initiative Ltd, texte Paola Cabal.
  • 2008: CAREOF: da un archivio di archivi, tre progetti impossibili, Chiara Agnello, COMBO/3


  • 2010: The WhyNotPlace residency, Connaught Place, New Delhi.
  • 2009: CAMAC, Art_ Science_Technology, Marnay sur Seine, France.